Frequently asked questions

How does the program work?

Learners apply to enroll and are accepted to the AGS. Once accepted, they work with our guidance counselor and administration to select and enroll in courses. Courses are asynchronous; learners do not have to log into their course on a specific day or at a specific time but learners must work on daily assignment and join weekly 1-1 meeting with their mentor. All classes are conducted entirely online.

What are the school terms/semesters?

In AGS, we run 6 terms/sessions a school year (which coincides with the calendar year). Each term lasts 2 months.

What are the tuition fees for the program?

There are 2 basic fee structure, per course or annual tuition fees. Per course or credit, a learner pays SGP$1,300. Alternatively, a learner can pay for annual tuition fees of SGP$9,500 for 12 months or 10 courses, whichever comes first.

Who do I go to for help with my learning?

Your course mentor (teacher) will be your primary contact for any help or advice regarding your challenges, difficulties or questions.

How do I enroll?

Just complete the AGS Enrollment Application form and we will get back to you within 48 hours on next steps.

What are the advantages of an online, digital school?

While we do not negate the value of a physical, brick-and-mortar school, we believe our digital school bodes well and prepares our young ones (aka digital natives) for this age where digital technologies permeate literally every aspect of our lives. It will arm them with intrinsic skills and habits especially to continually learn digitally, acquire just-in-time knowledge and skills to meet rapid changes driven by technology.

What are the entry requirements?

We do not have any entry requirements per se. However, if a learner’s English proficiency is lacking, we do require the learner to undertake American English 1-5 before embarking on level courses.

What certificate/qualifications would I receive upon graduation?

A US High School Diploma, which makes you eligible to apply to universities in the United States and around the world. The graduation requirements are listed here.

How long does it take to cover a course?
What if a learner needs more time?

Our courses are conducted over 2 months (a term). A learner can request for an extension of 1 month if required (standard fees apply).

Apart from the US High School Diploma, are there other certifications required to apply for universities in the US and around the world?

Most colleges will require your SAT or ACT scores. SAT and ACT are standardized college admission tests in the US run by the College Board and ACT, Inc., respectively.

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