All Gifted
US high school
Study abroad
after graduation
Highly qualified
US teachers
What is All Gifted High School?
All Gifted High School (AGS) is a digital high school that offers middle (grade 6-8) and high school (grade 9-12) courses for students.
All Gifted High School graduates are conferred a US High School diploma and are eligible to apply to universities in the USA and around the world.

Who are our teachers?
Highly qualified US teachers
Your course mentor (teacher) will be your primary contact for any help or advice regarding your challenges, difficulties or questions.
In AGS, we call our teachers “mentors”. All our teachers are very experienced and totally passionate about education. They are from the United States.
They comprise retired teachers/educators, current teachers/educators as well as industry professionals for the relevant subject matter.
One day in the life of an AGS learner
Views module & watches educational/ instructional videos
Works on daily assignments & communicates with teacher in chat
Submits assignments/tasks
Arranges/attends 1-1 weekly video call with teacher
Grade levels
From Grade 6 to 12, traditional setting takes 7 years. At AGS, committed learners may take only 3.5
Middle school
Grade 6-8
High school
Grade 9-12
No special requirements to apply
Full time learners spend 3-4 hours daily
You can join our school at any grade, full time or part time
Feel free to contact us