Many parents of older adolescent approach me to help them with their children when they have lost that zest in learning. It is a pity many parents, in their eagerness to push their children for academic excellence, forgot that children can lose that enthusiasm or fire in the belly. But that need not always be the case.
I used the primary school years to expose my children to all sorts of activities hoping to help them discover themselves and find their passions. To me, besides basic numeracy and literacy programs, it is important to find out who the child is before he/she reaches puberty and starts to build a personality of his/her own.
From seven to twelve years old, my task was to discover their passion and start to look for programs that feed that passion. This is important to a parent because the earlier a child understands himself or herself, the easier it is for the parent to guide the child.
This seminar covers how you find out where the child’s gifts are, and how to go about accelerating the child in these areas, and start preparing for tertiary studies in the chosen areas.
How do I know my child is academically gifted, no matter what the educator say
How do I accelerate my school-going child
How to know which areas my children are gifted in
Finding the passion and igniting it for secondary school, tertiary and beyond
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