
I did not know the gift of education until my own child was not allowed to study with his peers in a public school, and that’s when I realized the best gift to a child is the gift of education.  I started this site to share why I believe every child is gifted and therefore his abilities should be respected and catered to.  I’ll also share my experiences with my five children, and together, we can all gift to our children student-tailored educations which maximize their abilities.

Even though it was painful when I was left to find solutions myself when some of my kids who were diagnosed with disabilities were not allowed into public school classrooms, I did not wallow.  Instead, I seek to understand my kids’ natural abilities, learning styles and then planned a suitable education for each of them.  As a result, all my five children qualified for respectable universities by fourteen-years-old.

While on this journey, I learned about existing and unconventional methods of achieving a good education for each of my children. Post by post, I will tell you how this can be done, as well as where I found help and resources. What appears on this site will comprise about half of what will be published in the book scheduled for the first quarter of 2018.

Nobody is a guru, and I have never believed anyone has the ultimate knowledge in anything. I may know a little more because I spent years researching and have personally walked the paths four and half times with my own kids and another thousands of times with my students. Yet, I believe others have much to contribute as well!

Why this site

Through this site, I also hope to get your views and feedback on how to do this better.

I hope to discover methods to design individualized education plans using modern and classic resources for each child. Thousands of hours of hard work later, we should be another step closer to gifting our children with the best education that suit them.

I hope readers will:

  • Gain an understanding of who should be responsible in educating the children in the education systems
  • Discover new ways to engage learners in schools and at home
  • Know where to find resources that are available besides those offered traditionally by schools
  • Find suitable instructional design that work and suit the educators and learners
  • Know how to work with and not against the school and current education system to bring out the best in each child
  • Know when and how to engage external help e.g. tutors and coaches to complement teaching
  • Find ways to match what we have learned to the gifts and learning capability of each child

Hope to hear from you soon, and we will be the first people to write a book with a community.

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